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  • Writer's pictureHannah Ballecer

Why We Write

You may be wondering as to why we decided on making a website meant solely for publicizing our writings among any other "more suitable" topics to focus on. First things first, by writings, we mean poems, proses, narratives, short stories, articles, and such compositions.

Our concept builds upon the insights undertaken by various researchers and professionals, with our main emphasis being the claim made by the American Psychological Association (APA) which states that writing could relieve stress by combating negative and intrusive thoughts.

We write not solely for bringing our thoughts into the public view. Rather, we seek to bring awareness that writing could bring mental, emotional, and physical benefits for people of all ages, especially during the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In lieu to the claim (that is supported by numerous researches), we decided to use this platform as an online journal where we could confide the things we wish to share to other people but we couldn't due to certain circumstances. In this regard, we wish to encourage other people to consider writing as a form of leisure during their pastime as the act of writing by itself is a popular therapeutic practice that helps improve an individual's mental condition by lowering one's anxiety levels and relieving one's stress.

Why do we write?

To heal.

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